Automotive and Transportation

Be it in fuel additives and tires, enabling to meet the highest quality and environmental standards; or in films used to make laminated safety glass – our products contribute towards achieving the mobility goals of modern society.

Either in road transport, getting goods to where they are needed, or in private use of the family car, our products help to make better tires or increase reliability in cold temperatures. World-scale capacities and an intricate logistics network allow us to work together with our customers on a global basis. Together, we make our roads safer and reduce transportation’s impact on the environment.
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How ester base oils help to shape the future

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This website has been developed for information purposes only.
The products mentioned on this website are representative of the products offered for sale by OQ and have been indexed according to customary industry applications.

In listing products on this website, OQ in no way states or implies that the products have been tested as safe or effective for all potential applications or that OQ currently holds the regulatory permits or approvals required for any specific customer use or application in all countries. The customer is solely responsible for ensuring that each product is suitable for customer’s intended use and that all regulatory approvals are obtained in every applicable jurisdiction for such use.

Any technical advice, recommendations or services provided by OQ have been developed in good faith but may not cover all scenarios and are intended for use only by persons having skill and experience in the handling of chemicals. OQ assumes no responsibility, and customer hereby waives and releases OQ from all claims arising from reliance on any of the information presented on this website.