Corporate COVID-19

Mind, Body & Soul

April 20, 2021 Online

At OQ we believe in the importance of connecting with all our audiences, internal and external, local or international. There is no better way to connect than by engaging around matters that everyone can relate to, regardless of their background.

Mind, Body and Soul is a series of Webinars brought to you by OQ with guest prominent figures from Oman to talk about topics of interest to everyone.

We can only grow as a company, when our people, and those who surround us grow. This is why we are excited to take this journey to fuel our souls, bodies and mind, and show that we are not just an Energy Company, but we are also a company of people with a lot of energy and with so much to give.

Thank you for joining us!

See you in

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Our Strategy

At OQ we stand for integrity, collaboration, agility and are able to transform. We care for our customers, employees and partners.